I'm Nikita Khabya, aFull Stack Developer from Mumbai, India.
I like to build good tech.

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Me in 20 seconds

I'm a Full Stack Developer from Mumbai, India. Growing up I was not really into coding but I did have few subjects in my academics. Fastforwad to now 2024, I'm graduating as an IT Engineer and working as a Full Stack Developer.

It has been an awesome journey so far. I've worked at 2 startups based in India. Both of them gave me a great exposure of startup culture and how things work in a startup.
I worked on multiple projects simultaneously, delivered tasks before deadlines (firm believer of under commit, over deliver), worked along side designers, developers, product managers and other close knit teams.

Currently, I'm working on my personal projects (stay tuned for some amazing stuffs) and learning new technologies.

I love to get my hands dirty in the ever changing tech industry and build tools and solutions that are useful for me and you.
P.S. I've a bias towards working with Next.js (i know i am not alone)

I'm always open to new experiences, opportunities collaborations and learning new things. Feel free to send a message or drop me an email.

© 2024 Nikita Khabya. All rights reserved.